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Politicians can help, but new industry, new outlook, best route to a ‘just transition’...

news, local-news, coal, albanese, keith pitt, energy, electricity, politics, newcastle, newcastle heraldTHE Hunter Region's long history as a Labor stronghold means that visits...

World Bank: The Global Economy Will Enter the “Lost Decade”

According to a report on the website of the Wall Street Journal in the US on January 5, before the outbreak of the covid-19...

Crypto rep charged by ASIC

Former cryptocurrency promoter, John Bigatton, has been charged by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) with operating an unregistered managed investment scheme...

Former Casey mayor Sam Aziz tells IBAC probe cash payments came from gambling, family...

A former City of Casey councillor accused of taking bribes from a property developer has told a corruption inquiry more than $300,000 in...